IBOX started in the month of September 2021 the START project “Sustainable tools to engage youth with the ARTS”. The START project aims to develop innovative digital tools and methods to increase the capacity, knowledge and skills of youth workers, teachers, educators and training professionals to acquire the appropriate quality and professional level to support young people, especially with fewer opportunities and/or with disabilities, to promote social change through initiatives based on the Arts
The project has been designed on the basis of the partners’ experience in matters related to youth workers, trainers, teachers and organizations active in the field of non-formal education. and lifelong learning.
The first result of the Empowerment Through the Arts Digital Curriculum project is now available. It is a Study Plan in which the following sections have been included:
M1: Literature (poetry, theater, story)
M2: Visual arts (painting, drawing, sculpture, graphic arts, sculpture, modelling)
M3: Digital media art (video, photography)
M4: Conceptual art and public art
M5: Performing arts (theater, dance, music)
We attach the Curriculum document so that anyone related to youth work can use it, where you will also find examples of good practices using Art.