On January 1, 2018, the project funded by the R & D program H2020 “ENDURCRETE – New Environmental Friendly and Durable with Crete, integrating industrial by-products and hybrid systems, for civil, industrial and offshore applications” has been started. .
The project consortium consists of 15 entities belonging to 11 countries, with a total budget close to 6 million euros and a duration of execution of 42 months.
I-Box Create participates as a partner in it, and will work in the following activities:
- Advice for the definition of the technical, legal and economic requirements and specifications corresponding to the Concrete Mix with corrosive properties (WP1).
- Development of the corrosive cementitious material at laboratory scale (WP3).
- Development of the prototype and test in real environment for the corrosive material (WP6).
- Exploitation, training and dissemination activities (WP8).
The Kick off Meeting was held in Brussels on Tuesday, January 16, with the participation of IBOXs Innovation Manager, Margarita Lecha and FCIAC´s the General Manager , Dr. José Manuel Lloris, an outsourced entity to assist I-Box in the industrial scale-up of corrosion material, CORROLESS.
With the incorporation of a PhD in Chemical Sciences expert in Nanotechnologies and Construction Materials and the participation in this project, I-Box Create consolidates the development of the R& D&i area of corrosion Materials.