Development of non-formal training for Mentors to boost the creativity spirit of women to start Social Entrepreneurship. WOMCA focus on Youth Women Educators, age 25-35, to be the mentors of future Youth Women Social Entrepreneurs as there is a need to strengthen...
The difference in weather conditions to work in the Offshore Industry in the North or Atlantic Sea or in the Mediterranean is enormous. In terms of Risk Prevention, currently there is no regulated training and common to all countries of the European Union for Offshore...
The EnDurCrete project is a newly launched research project supported by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 programme for Research and Innovation (Call H2020-NMBP-2017-two-stage, Project No. 760639) which started in January 2018 with a duration of 42...
Innovate and Ideate for Social Entrepreneurship. In April 2016 the Erasmus+ Project Ideannovaship “Innovate and Ideate for Social Entrepreneurship” started. It is coordinated by National Association of Municipalities in Bulgaria. The kick-off meeting of the project...
Creativity in Action to Promote Young Entrepreneurship. I-Box Create was awarded in September 2015 with EU funding to participate in the CRAYONs project “CReativity in Action to promote YOung eNtrepreneurShip” together with other 5 partners: Florida Universitaria...