The kick-off meeting for the new #Erasmus+ project #BeYourBoss took place in San Benedetto del Tronto, in Italy, on the 3rd and 4th of December 2019. Six partners from Italy, Spain, Bulgaria, Poland, Cyprus and the Netherlands (Smarteam – Italy, I-Box Create– Spain, Aspekt – Bulgaria, Ahe – Poland, The Municipality of Pegeia – Cyprus, and Stichting Reflexion – Netherlands) will collaborate in the next two years to support young graduates in humanities in their acquisition of entrepreneurial skills to create new businesses.
The project is funded by the ERASMUS+ program with 82,705.00€, being signed under the agreement 2019-1-IT02-KA204-063389.
Specifically, on the 3rd of December at 11:00 am, we attended the official presentation of the project during the Public Meeting, at the Meeting Room of the Hotel Calabresi in San Benedetto del Tronto, in the presence of teachers and experts from universities, educational research, young graduates, representatives of trade associations, entrepreneurs,trainers, and institutional managers of the Marche region.
Our target group are young graduates, between the age of 22-35, that find it difficult to start a new bussiness with fear of failure, negative perception of their own abilities and low perception of favourable opportunities.

The OECD Report 2017 shows that at least 80 million workers in Europe do not have the right skills for their job, either because they are under- or over-qualified. Skill shortages have economic implications for both workers and enterprises. More than 7 out of 10 humanities graduates are employed in jobs outside their field of specialization.
The difficulties identified for the target group, are as follows:
– the lack of scientific-economic and computer literacy;
– the lack of entrepreneurial skills;
– distance from the business world of education and training;
– lack of support from business associations;
– The lack of a specific national strategy for entrepreneurship education.
In the absence of coordination and official recognition, as well as dedicated funds, initiatives are often left to the will of individual teachers and training institutions.
Main Objective
The specific objective is to support young humanities graduates in acquiring business skills in order to encourage the creation of new enterprises.
The project will involve a number of institutional and industrial actors and several communication and dissemination initiatives that are crucial to the success of the project, in order to obtain a detailed picture of the situation of adult vocational and entrepreneurship training, and an appropriate exchange of the project work plan between the participating actors.
stay tunned for more details at: