New material that will allow us to breathe under water

A study carried out by Danish scientists, and published in the journal Chemical Science, may be of great relevance to the future of many chemical industries: they have created a crystalline material capable of absorbing and storing oxygen from the environment in large...

International Water Footprint Conference

The consultancy firm SUST4IN organised an international conference on the water footprint on 18 September at the Madrid International Lab. The Conference presented and interactively discussed the latest developments in the Water Footprint Assessment standard and the...

Obtain electrical energy where fresh water meets salt water

The outfalls of many rivers could offer a valuable source of renewable energy according to a team of researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), who have developed a model system that would make it possible to generate energy from so-called...

Social Innovation also develops R&D

  Innovation is the successful exploitation – viable and real – of new ideas with a clear customer focus, which makes it possible to improve the organisation’s effectiveness – in what is done -, in efficiency – in how it is done –...

The emergence of the MOOC

The emergence of the so-called Massive Online Open Courses (MOOC) is creating a real revolution in the way we learn.  The universalisation of access to higher education is only a small epiphenomenon of what digitalisation will mean for access to knowledge. The...