The R.E.NewAL. SKILLS - Real Estate New Alternative Skills – project aims to define and promote a new set of knowledge, skills and competencies for Real Estate occupations. The main objective is to tackle a specific skills gap by integrating Health & Wellbeing...
Empowering young adult learners with Special Educational Needs. Official statistics in Europe suggest that at least 15.4% of the school population have a special educational need which is defined as ‘any learning difficulty or disability that make it harder for...
Development of non-formal training for Mentors to boost the creativity spirit of women to start Social Entrepreneurship. WOMCA focus on Youth Women Educators, age 25-35, to be the mentors of future Youth Women Social Entrepreneurs as there is a need to strengthen...
Innovate and Ideate for Social Entrepreneurship. In April 2016 the Erasmus+ Project Ideannovaship “Innovate and Ideate for Social Entrepreneurship” started. It is coordinated by National Association of Municipalities in Bulgaria. The kick-off meeting of the project...
Creativity in Action to Promote Young Entrepreneurship. I-Box Create was awarded in September 2015 with EU funding to participate in the CRAYONs project “CReativity in Action to promote YOung eNtrepreneurShip” together with other 5 partners: Florida Universitaria...