Social Innovation – ERASMUS+ Strategic Partnership This social innovation project has been approved from the Erasmus+ program with the number 2020-1-HU01-KA204-078745. The purpose of it is to fight against gender inequality. After a careful selection process, we...
The DIGISETS project tackles a growing mismatch between existing digital skill levels and needed skill profiles, even in previously not highly digitalised work environments. Experienced organisations and training providers from AT, BG, ES, EL cooperate to reach the...
Women’s Entrepreneurship CoAches traiNing (2019-1-FR01-KA204-062215) The 2008 crisis and the austerity measures taken afterwards have caused high unemployment rates in the European economies. Still today the group aged 30-45 is facing the main barriers to (re)enter...
The OECD’s Skills for Jobs database records that at least 80 million workers in Europe do not have the appropriate qualification for the job they are doing, either because they are undervalued or overqualified. More than 7 graduates out of 10 in the...
Αgile leadership transformation for business in circular economy (2019-1-LU01-KA204-050106) AGILE4CIRC project comes as an answer to the complicated situation of the low-skilled or lowqualified adults around Europe. They are facing labour market that has gone under...