Αgile leadership transformation for business in circular economy (2019-1-LU01-KA204-050106)
AGILE4CIRC project comes as an answer to the complicated situation of the low-skilled or lowqualified adults around Europe. They are facing labour market that has gone under significant changes and discrepancy between the educational offers and market demands, with low levels of qualification and limited ability to create new jobs. Most affected are the people in the range of 30-60, that lost their job and could not find a new one due to the change of the skills required by the market. AGILE4CIRC is addressing those issues with focus on Circular Economy. AGILE4CIRC objectives are aligned with EU policies in the field of employment fostering sustainable development of the economy, increasing the level of employment, equal opportunities for all, a high degree of economic competitiveness, increased quality of life and economic and social cohesion.
Different methodologies (Agile, Liberating Structures, LSP, Toyota Kata) will be used for development of the Training Course. Addition is the knowledge that partners are bringing in relation to entrepreneurial mind state and skills, social innovation, circular economy, business development and others.