The DIGISETS project tackles a growing mismatch between existing digital skill levels and needed skill profiles, even in previously not highly digitalised work environments. Experienced organisations and training providers from AT, BG, ES, EL cooperate to reach the following objectives:

  • First, to draw a map/framework of work-relevant digital skills (previous research and data).
  • Second, to design an evaluation toolkit for organisations. The tool is multi-dimensional and gives a wider view of hard and soft digital skills in an accessible form. Mainly the toolkit will be designed for education professionals working with (prospective) employees in TOURISM and RETAIL sectors.

The toolkit is produced and programmed together in English, and then translated into the partner languages.

In the long-term, the project will show that investing in further development, especially the digital skills of employees, is of utmost importance if one wants to successfully transit towards the digital workplace and embrace the challenges and potentials of I 4.0.

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Project reference number: 2020-1-AT01-KA202-078055


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